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International Stout Day

Celebrating International Stout Day with our two deliciously dark brews

It’s International Stout Day this week – a day of celebration for the dark and wonderfully flavourful pint and the brewers around the world who make it.

At Woodforde’s we’ll be raising a glass on November 7 to mark the day, making sure to wipe away the proud beer moustache a pint of stout often leaves!

And it’s perfect timing this month as we launch our November seasonal, the coffee-inspired oat stout ‘Cuppa Joe’ in collaboration with Green Farm Coffee.

This new stout has balanced fruity tones, with a hint of coffee, paired with rich roasted and chocolate flavours from the most diverse malt profiles we have used in a beer.

This delicious cask pint will be available in pubs throughout the month – so keep your eyes open for it – you can read more about it here.

Cuppa Joe joins our popular Albion Stout, our expertly crafted cream stout which is now part of our core range.

A smooth and creamy pint, with tones of chocolate and rich fruit with a delightful bitter finish, Albion is a belter of a brew.

If you can’t find our November seasonal in your local, and you haven’t had a chance to try Albion yet, it’s well worth a taste.

It is great to see that stout is having a resurgence of late, with more and more interest around this traditional favourite.

It’s nice to see people enjoying this exceptional and unique beer which dates back to the 17th century, with TESCO reporting in April that sales had soared by 35%.

This beautiful style of beer is a firm favourite at Woodforde’s and we are proud to have Albion Stout, and our new seasonal Cuppa Joe, on our line-up.

If you would like to enjoy Albion at home, you can order it from our online shop here.

If interested in stocking Albion or Cuppa Joe, in your pub, please get in touch with the team on 01603 720353. 

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